
Anschrift: Gedimino pr. 6 01103 Vilnius, Litauen
Fon: +370 800 50 500
Sprache: Litauisch, Englisch
Bezahlung: Kreditkarte
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Allgemeine Hinweise:
Litauen 2008
ThemaKulturelles Erbe Europas – European Cultural HeritageLitauische Kreuzkunst – Cross Crafting and SymbolismDesignVorderseite – ObverseAbbildungen der Litauischen KreuzkunstReiterbild Inschrift: LIETUVA 2008 50 LITV Münzzeichen: ? Rückseite – ReverseAbbildungen der Litauischen KreuzkunstInschrift: * UNESKO * KRYZDIRBYSTE IR KRYZIY SIMBOLIKA Münzzeichen: Europastern im als Rand – EdgeUmschrift: zwei Mal * LETUVOS BANKAS * zwei bStempelstellung – Orientationgleichgerichtet – penninglagImages – InformationCross crafting is the term used to describe the art of creating wooden crosses and shrines for various spiritual purposes in the community. These crosses can be quite ornate in their design and the Lithuanian community takes great pride in their construction. Both the Obverse and Reverse of this silver coin feature a number of examples of cross crafting around the coin. In the center of the Reverse is the inscription for Cross Crafting And Symbolism as well as "UNESCO", which stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. In the center of the Obverse is "The Chaser" or "Vytis", the Knight in armor on horseback taken from the Lithuanian coat of arms. |